In november 2003 i started on my 3 year phd project called space as interface. It is a part of the ISIS katrinebjerg Center for Interactive Spaces. The center is conducting research in the fields of architecture, interaction design and computer science. My advisors are professor Kaj Grønbæk and professor Uffe Lentz.

In my project I am working on new spatial interaction concepts in physical spaces, that due to pervasive computing, contain distributed digital properties. My perspective is on low-tech interaction methods that can take place in our usual environments - such as gesture interfaces and speech interfaces.

I am involved in some of the ongoing projects at - ischool, ibib and partly ihome - and besides those I do my own projects.
On this section of my site I am trying to document the ongoing projects I am working on. Because of that some parts may be very badly described, but feel free to mail me if you have any questions or comments -