This project or idea evolved as an irritation of
the colorpicker in photoshop. Working with cmyk og rgb colors you have
to pick colors using different sets of sliders. Being an architect I wanted
the colors to be represented spatially using r, g and b as x, y and z
- axis. In this way colors can be mixed by adding or subtracting the three
colors in one diagram.
I made the setup using expressions in maya. This gave me the possibility
to make a dynamic model where movements, positions and colors are all
related. This lead to the next idea - to use the setup as a drawing machine
that relates to the "color-position" of the 3D cursor.
Check the two videos demonstrating the video
and video
It is my idea to develop this project in two ways. Test it in real time
using maya and motion capture sensors to let you be a part of the colorspace
and let a part of your body input the position of the cursor and thereby
choose the color. I will do this around may 2004 in cavi.
The other idea is using AR-toolkit patterns as realtime inputs instead
of the expensive and massive motion capture setup.
Ultimatly I will convert the idea into a spatial music sampler and mixer
- I have some good ideas to this but the a still being developed.