Byens Stemmer (City Voices) is an interactive table installation exploiting physical space for storing sounds and information related to different geographical maps. In the project two mobile tables were made and exhibited at two locations - Kunstbygningen (an art gallery) and Hovedbiblioteket (the main municipality library) in Aarhus, Denmark. The tables work as a horisontal screen, moving the table will pan the view of a digital map on the screen. By exploring the space with the table users can bump into sounds situated at specific locations, further users can create recordings of their own at any location on the three maps - local (Aarhus), national (Denmark) and global (World). The two tables are connected through a server joining data from one table with the other.

The project is done by Projektgruppen Byens Stemmer which is a collaboration between Shona Kitchen (Dataclimates), Jesper Nielsen (Insense), Kaspar Rosengreen Nielsen (Krosweb) and Andreas Lykke-Olesen, Tobias Løssing, Rune Nielsen and Thomas Fabian Delman (kollision). The project is supported by Multimediehuset, Borgerservice og Biblioteker, Municipality of Aarhus and Frit Oplysningsforbund Aarhus (10% puljen).

See images from the process , kunstbygning , main library and scenarios through the links to the left.

See a video testing the digital compass here (2.8mb), a video testing the panning concept here (3.5mb) and a video showing one of the final tables in use here (28mb)

Read more about the project on the official website here