Oplæg på [IT Visualisering] kursus på arkitektskolens | efteruddannelse, 02.12.04

Hvem er jeg?

Andreas Lykke-Olesen, Ph.D.-studerende, arkitekt maa
Institut for Design, Arkitektskolen Aarhus
InteractiveSpaces, ISIS Katrinebjerg
Projekt : Space as Interface

- uddannet arkitekt fra Arkitektskolen Aarhus, afdelingen for KommunikationsDesign 2000.
Er/har været tilknyttet undervisnings- og forskningsprojekter på aaa, a&d, daimi og cavi

Hvad laver jeg?

Partner i arkitekturbureauet kollision.

Kollision er et arbejdsfællesskab, hvis primære opgaver er projekter af udviklende karakter i spændingsfeltet imellem arkitektur, kunst og forskning - og ofte i samarbejde med andre faggrupper. Projekterne forsøger at integrere og udvikle informations- og kommunikationsteknologier i rumlige og arkitektoniske sammenhænge - fra designprocessen til selve formgivningen.

InteractiveSpaces is an interdisciplinary research center bringing together architecture, engineering, and computer science with the research mission to create new concepts for future interactive spaces. InteractiveSpaces.net also bring together companies and public researchers in a R&D activities leading to new products and services for specific domains.The research activities focus on six themes which may be applicable to one or more of the application domain projects undertaken in the center. The application domains to be studies include schools, libraries, museums, homes and specific workplaces.

deals with the emergence of pervasive computing in our surrounding space that contains both physical and virtual proporties. Interacting with these environments require a new way of understanding the relation between space and technology. To me interactions should not only be limited to simple displays but be a part of and take place in the space, and in that way using the space as the interface. This is done by combining the spatial and technological properties with the user as an interacting device – speaking to, gesturing with, moving in and touching the surrounding space. That way our interactions with technology gets a closer relation to the environments they are applied to.

Repræsentationsformer i visualiseringer

Table, privat med julie reinau

IP Firefighter, privat for innovationlab

Kronjysk Steel, privat kronjysk stål

Andante, kollision

Helsinge, kollision

Generelle værktøjsbetragtninger og principper i blandingsverdner

Parking Lot, privat

Augmented Table, privat

Virtual Set Design, forskningsprojekt under kulturministeriet imellem aaa, imv og cavi

realtidsmodeller - nye kommunikationsformer

3D web, privat

3D sitemap, privat

Thesis Project, aaa

Breakfast Table, privat

Etik / kommunikation / formidling

NCC, konsulentrapport for alexandrainstituttet til ncc