From november 2003 till december 2006 I have been
working on a phd project with the overall title Space as Interface. The
work has been carried out in the interactivespaces
research center as a joint venture between the department
of computer science,
university of aarhus and the aarhus
school of architecture.
My advisors have been professor in architecture uffe
and professor in computer science kaj
The final phd dissertation "Space as Interface - Bridging the Gap
with Cameras" is an experimental exploration of utilizing space as
an interface in ubiquitous computing environments with special focus on
the use of cameras.
I presented and defended the dissertation 17.04.2007,
13.00 at the aarhus school of architecture, denmark. The jury consisted
of jonas löwgren,
binder and ulrik
løssing. If you did not attend, feel free to contact
me if you have any questions regarding this work!
Read the manual for the project diagram in pdf here