This full paper was submitted and accepted at the idc 2007 in Aalborg. The paper - StorySurfer – A Playful Book Browsing Installation for Children’s Libraries - describes the design of the storySurfer prototype within the children's interactive library project at the center for interactivespaces. It is written by Eva Eriksson and I.

In this paper, we present a large-scale interactive book browsing installation for children’s libraries called StorySurfer. The StorySurfer prototype is developed within the Interactive Children’s Library project, which includes interests from within design, research, industry, and libraries. The objective of the project is to give room for and encourage the physical activities of children, while pursuing to connect these with the basic digital and analogue services of the library e.g. borrowing and handing in books, searching for information, and providing access to a rich variety of media.

read the entire paper in pdf here