In 2003 martin
ludvigsen ,
thomas riisgaard ,
simon larsen
and I participated in the first convivio summer school in rome. The summer
school lasted for two weeks in september and included 45 sudents (mainly
phd students) from 16 different contries and with very different backgrounds
but with the commen goal to work within the field of interaction design.
During the two weeks we worked in three groups under three workshop/studio
leaders. I enjoyed every day at the summer school both due to the work and
to the nice people participating. A video shows parts of the work process
I was in the same group as thomas led by ivica mitrovic. The green group
as we were called worked on alternative use of surveillance systems in cities.
We came up with three different concepts and scenarios that suggested a
new and more positive use of the huge surveillance infrastructures.
Digital Traces:
Common for all we presented was the discussion on digital traces and an
awareness on these to either change your behaviour or use them as an information
ressource. These could be when we are using the ATM, when we pass a surveillance
camera, when we are using our credit card, when we are using our mobile
phone, when we are in front of other people taking pictures, when we register
at the hotel and many more. These traces led to a range of issues that we
discussed and defined in new ways as shown in the figure below.
Issues |
Traditional Opinion |
Our Opinion |
Privacy |
big brother |
use it for yourself |
Control |
controlled against your will |
indirect control, random |
Experience |
paranoia |
situational, playful |
Ominous Technology |
who is watching you |
artful, expressive, ambiguity |
Observation |
you are being watched |
views, share & compare, interprete |
The Digital
describes some of the surveillance infrastructures and systems that we used
as a design material and constraint in our work. See the animation here
The M.O.D
describe a system called memory on demand (MOD) that basically works as
a spare brain. The system can be entered just like a regular atm machine
and from here you can access what could be lost memories or just situations
from another visual perspective. See the three commercials lost
(5.3mb) and model
Digital Self:
The DigitalSelf
works much
in the same way as the M.O.D however the system compiles a summary from
your day that you can print onto physical paper. This reciept contains parts
of emails, sms messages, surveillance images and other traces that you layed
out during your day. Using the system you will end up having a scrab book
of small rolls of fragments of your life. See the flash demo here
City Experience:
The City
was made as a rough 3D sketch using the 3D city model from the intro animation.
The scenario describes how an awareness on your digital traces can be used
to act in the public domain. The couple leaves traces on purpose or act
invisible by avoiding actions that lead to a possible discovery by the other
part. See the city experience scenario here